While at the Defense Information School on Ft. George G. Meade, MD., I had met a wonderful woman, SGT Carolyn Ennis. Never in my career in the military had I found such a strong and dedicated woman to work with and collaborate with. We worked great as a team together and this day she married a just as wonderful man, SGT John Critz and I was her helper/friend/napkin maker(I sewed :) )/Photographer. It was taken at the Gramercy Mansion in Baltimore MD.
Normally I am hired as a second photographer doing more creative photos, however, Carolyn had me do everything. So this was my first full wedding photoshoot. It ws a smaller wedding so I was not overwhelmed. However, Lighting was incredibly difficult. There was only one bright window in the ceremony area and Christmas lights making flash look very artificial. I didn't like the artificial look so I did bump up my ISO on the Ceremony shots. That is why many are in B&W to get rid of some of the grain.
There are many other shots, but these are kind of like the highlights.
These are wonderful, Alisha! Thanks for putting them on the site so quickly! It was great having you there and the pictures are great. The only regret is that you had to work so hard while we were partying! Keep in touch!
GREAT!!!! You are awesome in every way lady!
hi! This is debbie john's mom. loved the photography. Enjoyed meeting you and sharring the wedding with you. wish we could have taken all of you down south with us. Love for you to come visit if you get a chance. As we say down here the door is always open. hope our paths cross again. debbie
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